Versionshelf gives you hosted Git, Subversion and Mercurial repositories with an easy to use admin frontend.
Version control allows you to manage changes to your files in a collaborative manner.
Versionshelf supplies with Git, Mercurial and Subversion the necessary tools as a central service with a smart interface.
You can find more information on these topics under the following links:
Git is a distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) system with an emphasis on speed.
You can find more information on Git under the following links:
Subversion is an open source application used for revision control.
You can find more information on Subversion under the following links:
Mercurial is an open source, cross-platform, distributed revision control system.
You can find more information on Mercurial under the following links:
You can find a comparison of version control systems at Wikipedia.
No, you can't. However, we provide support for RSS feeds, Twitter and Slack out of the box.
For more custom needs we provide an URL notification hook for each repository (often called a web hook).
That hook requests one or more URLs after a commit has been done, and then posts the following arguments: repository, revision, author and log. Therefore, you can do with it whatever you like. The triggered URL can be a script that takes the information supplied and takes action, eg.: trigger your Continuous Integration Server, checkout the latest version of your webpage, send notifications by SMS, .... the possibilities are endless.
The Versionshelf administration interface is web-based, so there is nothing to install and no server/platform requirements to worry about. On the client side you need a Subversion, Git and/or Mercurial client - more on this topic below.
Git, Subversion and Mercurial can be easily used without any gui at the command-line.
You can also use one of the several graphical clients, like:
We are happy with the Subversion command-line client svn
in combination with our favorite text editor SubEthaEdit on Mac OS X.
Following some links to Subversion command-line client distributions:
We stick with the command-line client but sometimes a graphical client is also nice.
Following some links to Mercurial command-line client distributions:
See privacy policy.
We do nightly offsite backups of our servers, keep the OS and servers at the latest patch levels and only use premium hardware with RAID1 mirrored disk arrays. All repositories and admin interfaces are securely accessible via encrypted SSL connections.
See next topic.
Yes, we do. If you cancel a paying plan within 30 days after signing you won't be charged. You can cancel at any time, but refunds cannot be issued after your initial 30 day trial, and we do not refund for partial months. Note that only new accounts are eligible for 30 day free trials — upgrades do not qualify.
Yes, you can. Click on the Plan button once you are logged in, and make the change there. A new billing cycle will begin immediately.
We accept subscriptions with PayPal. For customers of the european union we additionally offer yearly prepayment as well.